
Cleaning Challenges

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Lampshades fixed to their frames with glue should be dry cleaned. When lampshades aren't glued to their frames, wash them in the bathtub with warm water and a spray hose. Dry them quickly after washing so the frames won't rust. An electric fan or hair dryer can speed the drying process.

To keep a phone clean and germfree, rub it with an alcoholsoaked paper towel. To wash fragile objects without breaking them, put them on a tray in the sink and spray them first with window cleaner or foam bathroom cleaner, and then with water. Let them air dry on a towel. You can wash knickknacks more quickly than you can dust them. Swish them in water containing a touch of liquid detergent, rinse, and drain on a towel. If you want to make sure every crevice is dry, use a hair dryer. Remove traces of rust on iron by rubbing with an emery cloth, or with steel wool moistened with a few drops of turpentine or kerosene.

Cleaning Challenges
It is possible to clean a chandelier without taking it down; here's how. In a glass, mix a solution of 1 part denatured alcohol and 3 parts water. Cover the floor or table under the chandelier with newspaper or plastic and set up a ladder so that you can reach the fixture's pendants. Individually submerge the crystals in the glass for a few moments, swishing them back and forth a little, and then simply let them air dry.

To get rid of stale cigarette or cigar smoke, leave a dish of vinegar or ammonia in the room overnight. It also helps to dampen a towel with diluted vinegar and wave it through the room.
Clean and sweeten ashtrays by washing them in a solution of 1 tablespoon of baking soda to a quart of water.

If candle wax has dripped on a table or cloth, hold an ice cube against the wax until it's brittle, and then piy it off with a knife or your fingernail. If silver candlesticks accumulate wax drippings, place them in the freezer; when the wax freezes, you'll be able to peel it off.

To make a copper/brass/bronze cleaner, stir together 1 tablespoon of table salt and 1 tablespoon of flour. Continuing to stir, add 1 tablespoon of white vinegar. Apply the resulting paste with a damp cloth or sponge, rub gently, then rinse and wipe dry. Sometimes a slightly tarnished aluminum surface can be cleaned by rubbing it with crumpled aluminum foil.

Why pay a chimney sweep to clean your chimney? Do it yourself this way. Open the damper and seal the hearth from the room with scrap lumber or a drop cloth secured with masking tape. If the flue is straight, fill a burlap bag with wadded paper and 2 bricks and then fasten it to a long rope. Go up to the roof and slide the bag up and down the chimney's interior 5 or 6 times to remove all soot.

If the flue is curved, use 2 feet of tire chain or other heavy chain at the end of the rope, rather than a burlap bag. Slap the chain against the flue's sides as you raise and lower the rope 5 or 6 times. For the most efficient use ofyour fireplace, do this once a year. To see if your chimney is free of soot after you've cleaned it, wait an hour or so for the dust to settle and then use a large hand mirror and a flashlight to examine the flue.

Fireplace smoke stains can be removed by washing them with V% cup of trisodium phosphate (TSP) mixed in 1 gallon of water. (Wear gloves to protect your hands.) You also can remove fireplace smoke stains by rubbing them with an art gum eraser, or by applying a paste of cream of tartar and water; when the paste dries brush it off, along with the stains.

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