Before capping leftover paint for storage, can how much is left inside. Label the cans by mark the label at the level of the remaining paint so rooms so there's no question which paint to you'll know at a glance without opening the reorder or use for touch-ups. For easy cleanup of your paint tray, line the tray with a plastic bag before pouring in your paint. After the job's done, you can discard the bag without having to clean the roller tray.
To avoid having to clean a paint roller pan, press a sheet of aluminum foil into it before use. When you're finished, simply wrap up the foil and dispose of it. Why buy new paint thinner when you can reuse the old? Here's how: Pour paint thinner into an empty coffee can. After you've cleaned your brushes, cover the can tightly and let it stand for several days. When paint from the brushes settles to the bottom as sediment, drain off the "clean'' thinner into another can and store for reuse.
If you must leave a paint brush for a short time and don't want to clean it, wrap it in foil or a plastic bag to keep it soft and pliable. Put it in the freezer to save it for a longer time. Leftover paint that is lumpy or contains shreds of paint "skin" can be strained through window screening. To keep a brush as soft as new, clean it and then dip it in a final rinse containing fabric softener. When you buy a new oil paint brush, soak it for a day in a can of linseed oil before using it. The brush will last longer and be easier to clean.
To clean a paint brush without making a mess of your hands, pour solvent into a strong, clear plastic bag, and insert the brush. Your hands will stay clean as you work the solvent into the bristles through the plastic. If you store a partially used can of paint upside down, "skin" won't form on the surface of the paint.
Be sure the lid is tight
To clean a paint roller after use, roll it as dry as possible, first on the newly painted surface and then on several sheets of newspaper. Then slide the roller from its support and clean it with water or a solvent, depending on the type of paint used.
an empty coffee can with a plastic lid makes a perfect container for soaking brushes. Just make two slits in the center of the plastic lid to form an "X," push the brush handle up through the "X,1 and replace the lid. The lid seals the can so the solvent can't evaporate, and the brush is suspended without the bristles resting on the bottom. White paint won't yellow ifyou stir in a drop of black paint. A paste-type paint remover will remove paint spots from brick. You can remove paint splatters from your hair by rubbing the spots with baby oil.
To avoid having to clean a paint roller pan, press a sheet of aluminum foil into it before use. When you're finished, simply wrap up the foil and dispose of it. Why buy new paint thinner when you can reuse the old? Here's how: Pour paint thinner into an empty coffee can. After you've cleaned your brushes, cover the can tightly and let it stand for several days. When paint from the brushes settles to the bottom as sediment, drain off the "clean'' thinner into another can and store for reuse.
If you must leave a paint brush for a short time and don't want to clean it, wrap it in foil or a plastic bag to keep it soft and pliable. Put it in the freezer to save it for a longer time. Leftover paint that is lumpy or contains shreds of paint "skin" can be strained through window screening. To keep a brush as soft as new, clean it and then dip it in a final rinse containing fabric softener. When you buy a new oil paint brush, soak it for a day in a can of linseed oil before using it. The brush will last longer and be easier to clean.
To clean a paint brush without making a mess of your hands, pour solvent into a strong, clear plastic bag, and insert the brush. Your hands will stay clean as you work the solvent into the bristles through the plastic. If you store a partially used can of paint upside down, "skin" won't form on the surface of the paint.
Be sure the lid is tight
To clean a paint roller after use, roll it as dry as possible, first on the newly painted surface and then on several sheets of newspaper. Then slide the roller from its support and clean it with water or a solvent, depending on the type of paint used.
an empty coffee can with a plastic lid makes a perfect container for soaking brushes. Just make two slits in the center of the plastic lid to form an "X," push the brush handle up through the "X,1 and replace the lid. The lid seals the can so the solvent can't evaporate, and the brush is suspended without the bristles resting on the bottom. White paint won't yellow ifyou stir in a drop of black paint. A paste-type paint remover will remove paint spots from brick. You can remove paint splatters from your hair by rubbing the spots with baby oil.
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