
Maintaining and Repairing Windows

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Spattered rain and dirt will easily wipe off window sills that have a protective coat of wax. Applying a reflective vinyl coating on the inside of your windows will both protect your furniture upholstery or drapery fabric from the fading effects of strong sunlight and help keep your home cooler in the summertime.

To free a window that's been painted shut, use a scraper, knife, or spatula to cut the paint seal between the sash and the window frame. Then, working from the outside, insert the blade of a pry bar under the sash and pry gently from the corners in. Lever the bar over a block of scrap wood. When replacing a broken sash cord, consider using a sash chain, which lasts much longer.

Soften old putty for easy removal by heating it with a soldering iron, propane torch, or hand held hair dryer. Or, if you prefer, soften it with linseed oil and then scrape it away. To prevent a window pane crack from spread-ing, score a small arc with a glass cutter just beyond the crack, curving around it. Usually the crack will travel only as far as the arc. To remove cracked glass from a window without excessive splintering, crisscross the pane on both sides with several strips of masking tape, then rap it with a hammer. Most of the pane will be held together.

Maintaining and Repairing Windows

If you try to open a window and it refuses to budge, tap a hammer on a block ofwood at various places on the sash. (Don't hit the sash directly with the hammer, or you'll leave dents.) The tapping may jar the sash loose. To make dried-out putty workable again, sprinkle it with a few drops of raw linseed oil and knead it until it is soft and pliable. Before attempting to chisel dried and hardened putty from a wooden window frame, brush raw linseed oil over the putty's surface. Let it soak in to soften the putty. You can fill a pellet gun hole in a window pane with clear nail polish or shellac.

Dab at the hole, when the application dries, dab again and reapply until the hole is filled. The pane will appear clear. A pellet-gun hole in stained glass can be filled the same way. When installing a new window pane, speed up the process by rolling the glazing compound between the palms of your hands to form a long string the diameter of a pencil. Lay the "string" along the frame, over the glass, and smooth it in place with a putty knife.

When glazing windows, brush the frames where the putty will lie with boiled linseed oil to prevent the wood from drinking the oils from the putty. If you want to cover your clear bathroom window without putting up curtains, render the glass opaque by brushing on a mixture of 4 tablespoons of Epsom salts and V2 pint of stale beer. Alternatives: Glue on stained-glass pieces, silver Mylar, or wax paper.

Double-duty alternative:
Cover the panes with mirrored squares, which, as a side benefit, will make the bathroom seem larger.
If the putty knife sticks or pulls at the glazing compound when you're glazing a window, "grease" the knife by dipping the blade into linseed oil. Wipe off the excess. When painting glazing compound, lap the paint slightly over the edge of the compound and onto the glass.

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