
Other Outside Projects

Monday, February 24, 2014

If you plan to install a skylight, position it on the northern slope of your roof. Because a skylight can really heat up a room on a sunny day make sure the attic is well ventilated. If you camouflage telephone poles or clothes lines with black paint, they seem to disappear. When installing an antenna, position it where it cannot fall across a power line.

If water is seeping into your basement, inspect to see if water collects on the ground near the foundation of the house. Soil should slope away from a house, so if the ground is level or slopes in toward the foundation, you maybe able to solve your seepage problem by regrading the soil so it slopes properly.
Other Outside Projects

To keep water from collecting where a paved area meets the foundation ofyour home, undercut the joint, fill it with mortar, and then shape the mortar into a smooth curve with the back of a spoon.
Help prevent ice dams by installing insulation between the rafters in your attic. Use insulation with a vapor barrier and leave air space between the vapor barrier and roof boards under an underhang. The insulation should be 6 inches deep. You can also prevent ice dams by providing ventilation for the attic through the soffit vent between lookout beams, which can be located by nail heads in the soffit.

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