
Energy Efficient Water Use

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Increase the efficiency of your water heater by spreading the family's baths, dishwashing, and laundry throughout the day. Also consider showering rather than tub bathing because a short shower consumes 4 to 8 gallons of hot water, while a bath uses 20 gallons or more. Another way to make your water heater still more efficient is to use cold rather than hot water for washing clothes. Many fabrics and detergents are designed for cold- water washing.

A moderate temperature setting further in-creases a water heater's efficiency since the "normal" setting, usually about 140°F, supplies all the heat most people need. If your water heater is warm to the touch, it is not well insulated and is wasting energy. Wrap insulation around the tank to solve the problem.

If you have a swimming pool, economize on your water bills by filling your swimming pool with rain water. Attach an elbow connection to the gutter spout on your house and run a pipe from
the elbow connection to your pool. To prevent water from cooling as it travels to your plumbing fixtures, wrap hot water pipes with insulating material.

Energy Efficient Water Use
Sediment buildup can slow your water heater's recovery rate. If you notice a marked drop in recovery time, drain the sediment from the tank. To prevent sediment from building up in your water heater, drain the heater periodically. Perform this maintenance step early in the morning, before anyone has used hot water and disturbed the water in the tank.

If you have an electric water heater, check with the power company about obtaining an off- peak meter. An off-peak meter allows your heater to operate at times when the company has power to spare, and you may be able to buy electricity at a lower rate. You can further conserve energy by turning off your water heater if you plan to be away for a few days.

Hot water can cool very quickly as it makes the long trip from the basement to a second-floor bathroom. Consider locating a water heater centrally, perhaps in a small closet in the kitchen. It's also important to have the water heater in a place as warm as is practical. The warmer the environment, the less the water has to be heated. Locating your dishwasher near your water heater is one way to reduce heat loss, because shorter water lines lose less heat than longer ones.

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