
Fish and Seafood

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

It's easy to make your own fish scaler. Nail bottle caps, serrated edges up, side by side at the end of a piece of wood. To make scaling easier, rub the entire fish with vinegar to loosen the scales. To tell whether a fish is fresh or stale check the eyes. If they're slightly protruding bright, and clear, the fish is fresh. If they're pink sunken, or cloudy, the fish is stale. If the gills are gray, the fish is stale; they should be red or pink. One way to freeze fish is to put the fillets in clean milk cartons filled with water. When the ice that surrounded the fish thaws in the defrosting process, use the liquid towateryourhouseplants it's ideal fertilizer.

Give frozen fish afresh flavor by thawing it in milk. The milk eliminates the frozen taste. You can make any fish taste tender and sweet by soaking it in 'A cup of lemon juice and water, or vinegar, or wine before cooking. To remove most of the salty taste from saltwater fish, soak it in vinegar and rinse under cold water before cooking. If you like halibut as white as popcorn, add a little milk and lemon juice to the seasoned liquid in which you cook it.

Fish and Seafood
After handling fish, you can rid your hands of the odor by rubbing them with salt or vinegar. If you're having a hard time prying clams or oysters from their shells, soak them for a few minutes in club soda to loosen both muscles and shell hinges. Or wash them in cold water, place in a plastic bag and freeze for 30 minutes. Or plunge the plastic bag into boiling water for several minutes. Either freezing or boiling makes it easy to open the shells with a beer-can opener or knife.

If you can't get a fishy odor out of a pan used for frying fish, sprinkle the pan with salt, pour hot water in it, let it stand for a while, and then wash as usual. Fish won't stick to the pan during baking if you lay it on a bed of parsley celery, and chopped onions. This vegetable bed also adds flavor.

If you chill canned shrimp before adding them to hot mixtures they'll hold their shape better.
If you don't like the tinny taste of canned shrimp, soak it for 15 minutes in a mixture of 1 teaspoon of sherry and 2 tablespoons of vinegar. If you've put too much mayonnaise in the tuna salad and you have no more tuna to add, substitute bread crumbs.

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